
Elements are returned from querying methods. They have the following properties to retrieve their data.


Gets the name of the Element.

html = HTML("<span>Dormouse</span>")
span_element = html.root_element

assert span_element.name == "span"


Get the id

html = HTML('<span id="dormouse">Dormouse</span>')
span_element = html.root_element

assert span_element.id == "dormouse"

Set the id

html = HTML("<span>Dormouse</span>")
span_element = html.root_element

span_element.id = "dormouse"
assert span_element.id == "dormouse"


Get attributes

html = HTML('<button class="mt-2 pb-2" disabled>Wake up</button>')
button_element = html.root_element

assert button_element.attributes == {"class": "mt-2 pb-2", "disabled": True}

Set attributes

html = HTML("<button>Go back to sleep</button>")
button_element = html.root_element
button_element.attributes = {"class": "mt-2 pb-2", "disabled": True}

assert str(button_element) == '<button class="mt-2 pb-2" disabled>Go back to sleep</button>'


Gets a list of classes for the element.

html = HTML('<button class="mt-2 pb-2">Wake Up</button>')
button_element = html.root_element

assert button_element.classes == ["mt-2", "pb-2"]


Get text context

html = HTML("<button>Wake Up</button>")
button_element = html.root_element

assert button_element.text == "Wake Up"

Set text content

html = HTML("<button>Wake Up</button>")
button_element = html.root_element

button_element.text = "Go back to sleep"

assert str(button_element) == "<button>Go back to sleep</button>"


Gets an iterator of the children for the element.

html = HTML("""
ul_element = html.root_element

assert len(list(ul_element.children)) == 3


Gets the parent for the element.

html = HTML("""
    <li id="li-1">1</li>
li_element = html.query("#li-1")

assert li_element.parent.name == "ul"